Beware the appeal of free offers.
practice is dedicated to high stakes matters that often include life
changing outcomes. This is no time to be bargain hunting. My services
are highly valued because they are highly valuable. While I don't offer
'free samples', I promise that your initial consultation will be
rewarded with honesty, good advice and clarity.

Practice Areas

Family Law, including
Divorce, Separation, Division of Property, Visitation Rights,
Post Divorce Modifications & Enforcement, Spousal Maintenance (Alimony)
Business Interests,
Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Health Care Power of Attorney
Prenuptial Agreements, Domestic Relations & Partnerships
Paternity, Child Support, Custody Arrangements, Emancipation
Protective Orders, Guardian Ad Litem issues
Litigation, Meditation & Arbitration, including
Trial Preparation & Presentation
Consulting with experts with respect to valuations of property, mental issues & Income
Calculations and Retirement issues
General Civil Trial Practice in all State, Federal & Appellate Courts
Estate Contests, Contempt Proceedings
General Practice, including
Contracts, Collections, Insurance claims
Personal injury, wrongful death Criminal defense
1070 East 86th Street Suite 72F
Indianapolis, IN 46240